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Warner Bros Cut Violent Theatre Scene from ' Gangster Squad '?The scene was a pretty important part of the movie, a centerpiece in the second half. I actually remember Ruben filming of the scene outside of the actual Grauman Chinese late in the night . We think back to you, the scene horrific terrible, shoot involving the gangsters in the theater and the audience screaming escape from the entrance, go tommy guys and shotguns off anywhere download (Spenden) apk free . I do not think anyone wants, or must see something soon, in another movie, and it is right by WB, put a hold on this and make revisions, as unfortunate as it is for Ruben and the movie itself. - In light of the recent tragic events during a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises in Colorado, the 12 dead and over 50 injured, has apparently been on Warner Bros 'crisis management'. You have canceled a series of press events and drew ads for TDKR of Radio & TV. The movie has yet to go on to earn an impressive $ 162,000 at the box office, ' Bros has to worry otherwise. WB quietly began towing trailers for Ruben Fleischer's Gangster Squad, the 40s/50s cop drama, after the shooting. Now Variety say they recut the film, because if you remember, it movies movie shooting in itself.
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