Schweizerdeutsch Lernen
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Schweizerdeutsch Lernen - Mobile App
Lerne Schwizerdütsch mit der Android App!
Die App bietet Dir folgende Funktionalität:
- Basis Vokabular: Schweizerdeutsche Ausdrücke ins Deutsche übersetzt, inklusive Aussprache-Sounds
- Konjugation der Verben mit einer Auswahl häufiger Verben
- Deklinationen
- Weitere Tipps zu Schweizerdeutsch
- Infos über Schweizerdeutsch-Kurse für Deutsche
Bitte beachte dass es in der Schweiz verschiedene Schweizerdeutsche Dialekte gibt (Bern, Basel, Luzern, St. Gallen, ...). Die App behandelt Züridütsch, dem Schweizerdeutsch der Region Zürich.
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Update: For those who doubt this was the message was confirmed by THR download Schweizerdeutsch Lernen 1.0 free android app . They do not say anything else or to confirm that they will be converted into 3D in post, but it's official - both films hit theaters in 3D! Now Warner Brothers 3D is crazy? I think they are more than happy with the way Clash of the Titans turned out happy in 3D. Our friends from Box Office Mojo updated its release schedule with new deals for five upcoming WB films that will now go 3D. The obvious are the last two Harry Potter films, which we expected to show in 3D anyway. They also mention Legend of the Guardians, which we just debuted a teaser for and expected to see in 3D. However, I was not expecting these last two - DC Green Lantern and Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch, both of which will be shown in 3D as well.
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