пятница, 25 апреля 2014 г.

Extreme Nonsense apk free download

Extreme Nonsense


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Why waste time coming up with your own obscene sentences? With Extreme Nonsense, the adults only version of Nonsense, you can let Android do the hard work for you. A bit like MadLibs, but shorter, faster and funnier - Extreme Nonsense features lots of swearing, obscenity and general filth.

Random, automated functions take the hassle out of creating sweary, disgusting sentences - leaving you free to focus on other tasks!

Extreme Nonsense has 11 categories, each with 10-15 templates, and a vocabulary store, making for thousands of possible combinations. As well as extended categories and vocab, in Extreme Nonsense you can hear your Nonsense spoken and save your favourite pieces of Nonsense to the Hall of Fame.

Generate Extreme Nonsense insults, classified ads, headlines, jokes, gossip, adult magazine and film titles plus more.

As much or as little user input as you like, you don't even have to enter any words if you don't want to, just let Nonsense choose randomly. There's grammatical info in there if you want it.

Pointless? Yes. Compulsive? Also yes. Hideous and awful? Oh my yes.

Need more proof that it's cool? Check out the huge number of one star reviews for the free version!


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Clooney directed Hoffman, Giamatti, Pine in ' Farragut North '?About a dream cast discussion download Extreme Nonsense 1.08 for free . It is a project that we returned first in a list of other projects mentioned when George Clooney. Left Warner Bros and signed a deal with Sony to develop instead It's called Farragut North , and is a feature adaptation of the critically acclaimed game Beau Willimon those places during the Iowa primary race for the presidency. We have nothing about it since heard, but now tells Vulture that Clooney is directing behind the camera, get back, and he plans to start shooting next February. Who is he lining up to star? Philip Seymour Hoffman, Paul Giamatti , and possibly Chris Pine, together together.

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