Call History Widget
Download .apk
A nice widget for quick access to the last call log. May have direct access to three functions of it:
- Call;
- Go to contact;
- Get a quick view.
Still possess:
- Custom configuration for each widget;
- Various sizes (scroll ICS);
- Identification of calls per color;
Possess even an icon to access the call history in a simple and fast
Tag:Call log.
Download .apk
It looks like Requiem for a Dream Darren Aronofsky will bring back RoboCop before The Fighter! We've heard rumblings about Aronofsky 's involvement in the RoboCop reboot for quite a while , and both me and Kevin Powers each have commented on our feelings download Call History Widget Varies with device for free . Regardless of whether or not we thought it was a good idea, Aronofsky has officially signed on! MGM just announced tonight that he signed on to direct RoboCop and that screenwriter David Self is penning the script. MGM is fast tracking the. Film and move it into production sometime in the next year for release in 2010 Now does this sound tough start!
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